Bio-methane and HC to H2
We promote the use of biomethane in the transportation sector (both in compressed or liquefied form) to be used for the logistics in the agri-food industry, for the fleets of local public transportation, and for general heavy transportation, on land and sea (Italy has the largest Italian fleet of methane vehicles in Europe).

We develop greenfield projects generally sized for production of 500 Sm3/h permitted under law decree 28/2011 simplified authorization proceeding (PAS) and of larger size (700 plant in picture) under law decree 387/2003 single authorization.

Fossil fuels will be replaced by renewable energies, but in the transition we need to introduce systems that allow meeting the economical and social needs today satisfied using fossil fuels, while ensuring that the environment will be protected and the carbon footprint will be nullified.
Avapa Energy is developing with SATE (System & Advanced Technologies Engineering) a hydrogen production system (patent pending) based on a PEM electrolyzer, fed with electricity from solar and wind sources, together with the electricity by an internal combustion engine that uses the oxygen produced by tghe elctrolyzer. The engine, which can be either a reciprocating or a gas turbine depending on the power range, works on a closed cycle with carbon dioxide as the inert gas, with the excess CO2 produced by the engine either liquefied at below 50 bar pressure or compressed. The fully sequestered CO2 produced by the engine will in turn be utilized in various industrial processes, for instance in the construction industry.